Improve your Excel skills
My Excel Background
Over the past 15 years, I have been using Microsoft Excel in my day to day job. I’ve worked as an investment and business analyst, and Excel has always been my most powerful weapon. Its flexibility and complexity make it a highly demanded skill for finance employees.
I must admit that working with Excel hasn’t always been pretty. I remember that back in the days I used to struggle with basic formulas like VLOOKUP or SUMIF. But when I’ve realized what Excel can do with just a little bit of training, I decided to pursue my goal of learning as much as possible. And that’s exactly what I did for the last 15 years.
Now I want to pass this knowledge on to you. And the best part is that I’ll do it for free. There are no strings attached. Just subscribe to my email lessons and start learning whenever it’s convenient for you.
Hundreds of thousands of people visit each year to get help, learn to write more complex formulas, or simply learn a new function they haven’t used yet.